Coverbild Biblische Notizen 157


Karin Hügel, "A Queer Reading of Joseph: Jewish Interpretations of the Beautiful Young Man in the Hebrew Bible".

The author offers queer readings of the beautiful young Joseph in the Hebrew Bible focusing on later Jewish interpretations of the biblical Joseph narrative. These interpretations can be captured under three headings, viz. (1) "Joseph being an effeminate youth", i.e. interpretations of Gen 37:2 and Gen 39:6; (2) "Potiphar buys Joseph in order to have sex with him", i.e. interpretations of Gen 39:1; and (3) "the beautiful Joseph ignores women", i.e. interpretations of Gen 49:22.

  • Karin Hügel, "Eine queere Lektüre von Josef: Jüdische Interpretationen des schönen jungen Manns aus der Hebräischen Bibel", in: Biblische Notizen 157, Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2013, 69-99.

    ISSN: 0178-2967,
    EUR 37,00.

    Acquisition from Herder

  • I gave a lecture on my queer reading of Joseph at the Winter meeting of The Old Testament Society in the Netherlands and in Belgium (OTW) at the Free University of Amsterdam on February 2, 2012.

    Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (Guercino),
    Joseph and Potiphar's Wife,
    1649, National Gallery, Washington.

    Abstract: Queer Interpretations of the Commandments of Love in Leviticus

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    Abstract: Readings for Blessing Ceremonies of Same-Sex Couples Queerly Interpreted

    Abstract: King Davidʼs Exposure while Dancing: A Queer Reading of 2 Samuel 6

    Abstract: Queer Appropriations of David and Goliath: Artistic Self-portraits as Defeated Pederasts

    Abstract: A Queer Reading of Qohelet 4,9-12

    Abstract: Queer Readings of the Song of Songs

    Abstract: Queer Readings of the Hebrew Bible. The Book of Ruth and the Creation Accounts

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